Effectively Sharing Leadership Changes
Nick Puleo Nick Puleo

Effectively Sharing Leadership Changes

Change often brings with it some level of anxiety, and this is certainly the case for organizations confronting changes in leadership. This comes as no surprise. While leadership changes can create huge opportunities for organizations, nearly half of them fail.

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Crafting a Response to Cancel Culture
Nick Puleo Nick Puleo

Crafting a Response to Cancel Culture

Consumers have long made demands of those they patronize, whether it be consumer goods companies or universities. Walk outs and boycotts have been used for years as ways to express displeasure with the actions of a brand and to try and force policy changes.

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How To Prepare for a Data Incident
Nick Puleo Nick Puleo

How To Prepare for a Data Incident

The prospect of experiencing a data incident of some kind has transitioned from being an “if” to a “when” for most companies. For critical industries like healthcare and energy, recent news like that of the Colonial Pipeline hack proves this to be true.

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The Dangers of Negative Reputation
Nick Puleo Nick Puleo

The Dangers of Negative Reputation

According to Harvard Business Review, 70% - 80% of a company’s value is derived from corporate reputation, which is comprised of "intangible assets such as brand equity, intellectual capital, and goodwill."

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Fighting Fake News
Nick Puleo Nick Puleo

Fighting Fake News

It’s no exaggeration to claim that brands are increasingly coming under fake news attacks. In fact, an entire industry has emerged in recent years solely focused on producing bogus information. And make no mistake: Falsehoods are bad for business, sometimes causing damage that lasts for years.

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Navigating the Talent Crunch
Nick Puleo Nick Puleo

Navigating the Talent Crunch

It’s no secret - great talent is hard to come by. And for today’s communications leaders this reality is a pressing concern. So, what is the overburdened communicator to do to bolster their team? Try these tips.

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Can Higher Education Survive the ROI Crisis?
Nick Puleo Nick Puleo

Can Higher Education Survive the ROI Crisis?

Colleges and universities face no shortage of challenges in 2021. COVID. Racism. Cancel culture. International student numbers have plummeted. And that’s just scratching the surface. Yet, as these hot-button issues grab headlines, another more persistent question lurks: Is college even worth it?

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